Best Probiotics For Thrush

Probiotics are amazing. This product has been designed to help humans avoid illness and at times help to alleviate symptoms. But when it comes to thrush, is there something you can take to help prevent it? 

Best Probiotics for Thrush

In this article we are going to cover everything you need to know and more about probiotics for thrush. 

So, without further ado, let us dive right in and get started!

What Is Thrush?

Before we can go any further we need to talk about what exactly thrush is. In basic terms, thrush is a fungal infection which is caused by a harmful yeast. You can get thrush in two areas, the mouth or genitals. 

How do you know that you have thrush? Well, there are a few symptoms that you need to keep an eye out for. Below we have listed a few of the main symptoms of thrush: 

  • Vaginal Discharge – If a woman has thrush she may start to get a creamy white vaginal discharge which may resemble cottage choice. With thrush if you have this white discharge there will not usually be a smell.
  • Itching – If you have thrush then you will likely start to experience itching and irritation in the affected area. Usually it will be the vaginal entrance and labia that are affected. 
  • Skin Irritation – In more severe cases of thrush a person may experience skin breakdown and skin excoriation.
  • Pain – Another common symptom of thrush is that you may experience pain when you engage in intercourse. 
  • Urination Discomfort – You may also feel discomfort or a burning sensation when you urinate.

Women in particular will suffer with multiple bouts of thrush. People getting recurring bouts of thrush is quite high as almost nine percent of women between the ages of twenty-five and thirty-four will experience thrush regularly. 

Thrush is traditionally treated using topical creams, or oral tablets which are anti-fungus. Bear in mind that the continued use of these products can cause the user to become resistant to the medication. 

What Can Cause Thrush?

Now that we know what thrush is and that it can be treated using tablets and topical medications it is time to take a look at what can actually cause thrush. 

Thrush is caused by something known as yeast, not the yeast you bake with. It is also known as Candida which is a substance that lives in the body naturally.

This substance is most often found in the skin, vagina, mouth and intestines and will only be there in low numbers. It is in this normal balance that Candida is considered to be safe, healthy and normal in the human body. 

The most frequent cause of thrush comes from a species of Candida or yeast known as Candida Albicans.

This type of yeast will grow in number when an imbalance in the microbiome has occurred. When this happens it is known as dysbiosis. In essence, the microbiome is the place that microbes live in or on within the body.

There are microbiomes for yeast and bacteria, all of which form to create an ecosystem. 

The balance in these ecosystems are very delicate and can become unbalanced very easily. People that develop thrush will experience an abundance of these yeast microbes in the mouth or genital area. 

When there is too much yeast in these areas it can cause the microbiome to become disrupted which can in turn lead to dysbiosis. 

When this disruption occurs it may be a result of one of the following: 

  • Certain Medication – The use of some medication like antibiotics, the contraceptive pill, hormonal replacement therapy, or corticosteroids.
  • Hormone Fluctuations – You may also find that thrush crops up more often when hormone levels fluctuate. For example, pregnancy may cause your hormones to fluctuate.
  • pH Balance – If your pH levels become unbalanced it can cause thrush to occur. The delicate pH balance of your body can be disrupted can be a result of scented intimate products, soaps and fluids from intercourse. 
  • Medical Conditions – There are some underlying medical conditions which may cause people to be more susceptible to thrush. For example Diabetes Mellitus can cause this. 
  • Diet – What you eat can actually affect your diet so if you are excessively drinking alcohol, low fiber foods or high sugar foods then you may find that you are more susceptible to contracting thrush.
  • Intercourse – it is no secret that intercourse can cause people to contract thrush. This occurs because of foreign substances being introduced into the vagina or mouth. 

Obviously the microbiome of the mouth and vagina are very different from each other. But the vaginal microbiome is unique in the way that it should largely contain bacteria known as lactobacilli.

This particular bacteria will give the vagina the ability to protect itself and stay healthy.

When this happens you will be at less risk of getting an infection. When there is not enough of them you may experience an imbalance in your microbiome and this may cause thrush to happen.

Can Probiotics Help Prevent or Cure Thrush?

Probiotics are indeed very helpful for managing thrush. Many clinical studies have been done and most of them have indicated that by optimizing the friendly bacteria with probiotics you can better maintain a healthy microbiome. 

That being said, many of these probiotics will work in different ways. Most will work in the gut. Not all lactobacilli will be able to reach the vaginal tract if you use this method.

It is for this reason that it is very important to look for probiotic strains that are shown to be for vaginal colonization by way of evidence of clinical trials. 

A Few Good Thrush Probiotics Products

In this section we are going to take a closer look at what probiotics are best for thrush.

There are a few products that simply work best for this particular ailment and we have found them and brought them here for you to peruse at your leisure. 

So, without further ado, let us dive right in and get started!

Yeast + Vaginal pH Support – Lovebug Probiotic Store

If you are looking for a thrush probiotic that actually works and does not contain any GMOs then this is going to be the ideal product for you. It contains lactobacillus which are well known for being effective against thrush.

But don’t take our word for it, this product is backed up by clinically proven trials and many satisfied customers that have used this product. 

We certainly found this product to be effective. It cleared up the thrush quite quickly. Despite the taste and size of the pills it is worth it to have these tablets on hand when you need it. 


  • Pack Sizes – This product can be purchased in a variety of pack sizes so you can get more or less tablets depending on what you need. 
  • Non-GMO – This product is non-GMO and it is free of eight major allergens that are commonly found in products like this.
  • Clinically Proven – This product has been clinically proven and will help to promote a healthy urinary and vaginal health. 
  • Effective – Many customers found this product to be very effective. They claimed that it worked quickly and relieved them of discomfort. 


  • Pricey – This product is mildly pricey so if you always need to have these probiotics in your home you may find it out of your budget to do so. 
  • Large Pills – Some customers found that these pills were a little large. Despite that they were able to consume them and make use of them. 
  • Taste – Some customers found that this product had a terrible taste and this made them not as easy to consume as other tablets. 

If you like this product but would prefer to purchase it on an alternate website, make sure to check it out at iHerb’s Store.

Pro-B Probiotic Supplement Capsules – The Rephresh Store

If you are looking for a probiotic for thrush that has been made with you in mind then look no further than this amazing product. It contains thirty capsules. Once you start taking them you should start seeing a change within seven days.

On top of all that this product has been clinically tested which is why it is trusted by doctors and gynecologists. If that does not make you trust the credibility and success of a product then nothing will!

We really loved this product. It certainly works well based on all the positive customer reviews. They may be a bit steep in price but they work and that is worth more than money.

If you need a product that comes from a well known brand and don’t mind paying the larger price tag then make sure to consider this amazing probiotic for thrush. 


  • Clinically Proven – This product has been clinically proven and will help to promote a healthy urinary and vaginal health. 
  • Effective – Many customers found this product to be very effective. They claimed that it worked quickly and relieved them of discomfort. 
  • Formats – This product can be purchased in two formats. Tablets or gels which you insert into the vaginal cavity. So, you can pick an option that works for you. 
  • Active Ingredients – This product has active ingredients in it that are well known for being effective against thrush. 


  • Pricey – This product is mildly pricey so if you always need to have these probiotics in your home you may find it out of your budget to do so. 
  • Acne – Some customers found that this product gave them terrible acne. This was not the case for everyone and the majority of people did not experience this. 

If you like this product but would prefer to purchase it on an alternate website, make sure to check it out at Walmart’s Store.

Dual Protection Urinary + Vaginal Support Probiotic – AZO Store

If you are looking for a trusted brand of probiotics to help treat thrush then this brand may be just what you are looking for. It has been tested in clinics so you know that it will work as you need it to.

A single box of these tablets will contain about thirty capsules so you get a fair amount of product with a single purchase. On top of that, these probiotics are designed to get working within twenty-four hours. 

We found that this product was effective, and worked as it was supposed to. Some customers found that the packaging was damaged, but this was not the case for us.

Everything was as described. So, if you are looking for a fantastic product that is bound to cure you of your ailments then this is going to be the perfect product for you. 


  • Bundles – This product comes with the option of getting additional products from the same brand in a deal. So, you can get more bang for your buck. 
  • Clinically Proven – This product has been clinically proven and will help to promote a healthy urinary and vaginal health. 
  • Active Ingredients – This product has active ingredients in it that are well known for being effective against thrush. 
  • Effective – Many customers found this product to be very effective. They claimed that it worked quickly and relieved them of discomfort. 


  • Packaging – Some customers found that this product arrived with damaged packaging and not as many pills in the container as there was meant to me. 
  • Pricey – This product is mildly pricey so if you always need to have these probiotics in your home you may find it out of your budget to do so. 

If you like this product but would prefer to purchase it on an alternate website, make sure to check it out at iHerb’s Store.

Frequently Asked Questions

In this section we are going to answer some of your most frequently asked questions so that you can better understand probiotics and thrush. So, without further ado, let us dive right in and get started!

Do Probiotics Get Rid Of Thrush?

There have been many studies done on probiotics and their effectiveness for getting rid of thrush. Some have found that it is more beneficial as a means of prevention rather than a treatment.

Others have found that certain brands with certain ingredients are actually beneficial in helping treat thrush. At the end of the day, the answer to this question is unclear.

There are many people that have found that it works, as the reviews of these products claim. 

How Do You Get Rid Of Thrush Permanently?

The best way to get rid of thrush is to get thrush treatment. You may need to get antifungal medication to help get rid of this ailment entirely. You may be prescribed this medication at a pharmacist or by a doctor.

But they are usually in tablet form which is then inserted into the vagina. You may also be given a cream, to help alleviate irritation that thrush brings. 

Is Yakult Good for Thrush?

There is not enough healthy bacteria in Yakult to reverse the effects of thrush or fix the ailment. On top of that probiotic yogurts like this are often very sweetened which makes it a very unhealthy product to consume. 

Should a Woman Take a Probiotic Daily?

While it is safe to take a probiotic it is not recommended to take them every day.

There will obviously be exceptions to this rule but in general it is not recommended to do so. It might not be unsafe, but these medications are actually a natural supplement and not a medication. 

Why Are You So Prone to Thrush?

Thrush is caused by having too much yeast in certain parts of the body like the mouth, gut or vagina. You may be more susceptible to thrush if you have taken antibiotics recently, have diabetes, or you have a weakened immune system. 

What Makes Thrush Worse?

The last thing you want is to make thrush worse. It is already intolerable and so making it worse must be avoided at all costs. One thing that may make this ailment worse is the consumption of drugs like prednisone, inhaled corticosteroids, or antibiotics.

Any one of these substances would disrupt the body’s natural balance of microbiomes. When this happens you may be prone to the various types of thrush.

If you have oral thrush you may find that wearing dentures and if you have conditions that cause dry mouth you may be more prone to this form of thrush. 

Final Thoughts 

We hope that you have enjoyed reading this article and learning all about these fantastic probiotics. Remember, not all of these products will work for everyone.

So just because one of these products does not work for you, do not give up. There are loads of options out there that we have not mentioned here. One of them may be just what you need. 

With all of that being said, we hope that you have enjoyed reading this article and found it insightful. Have a fantastic day and good luck finding a good probiotic that works for you.

Amelia Martin
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